Simple Life In A Changing Society..
Monday, August 28, 2006
Oh.. Went to check out the gym in NUS with Guoyuan on Friday.. Like what I heard from my friends, the gym indeed was a disappointmet.. No bench for you to do bench press!? Geez.. They have all kinds of machines for different body workouts though.. oh wellz.. I shall turn to bishan gym.. haha~ Went for a swim at NUS pool again.. the sun was great.. haha.. chao ta chao ta for sure.. (actually I'm already chao ta.. haha)
Went home straight after that.. pretty shagged le.. but after a shower I went out again.. haha.. Met up with Tengyi at AMK, then went to Chompchomp!! haha.. so long never been there.. the last time I went I think it was with Kelvin, Pei Wen they all.. think 4-5 years ago? haha.. that time the place wasn't renovated too.. Since Tengyi hasn't been there for a long time too.. we decided to went there for a dinner. The food of cos... was great! and the jumbo sugar cane! Wahaha.. Sambal Stingray, Sotong with Chili, Sambal Kangkong and satay.. slurp!! Oishi! Ate until my sweat kept dripping non-stop.. haha.. After that we went to pay a visit to Bishan park.. hahaz.. gosh I din realise there is a spa treatment and cafes in the park.. so much for being a Bishan resident huh.. hahaz..
The next day I met up with Tengyi again for a swim.. haha.. another swim man.. really chao ta.. haha.. after which, I went to Junjie's place.. as he having a birthday party at his house.. Was quite late though.. cos something cropped up.. My new pair of contact lens gave me some problems, thus gotta resolve it with the optician who gave me that pair of lens.. In the end I still couldn't see properly with my lens on.. grrr.. the whole night I was practically seeing things in two.. zz.. anywayz.. saw the usual people there.. Pei Wen, Huipoh, Kelv, Chi Wai and Zhi Heng, as well as Jeremy.. wow.. long time never see him.. Had fun with the games we played.. Food was great too.. and guess what.. the birthday boy got messed up by us.. haha.. We mixed egg yolk with washing detergent, plus used oil, plus pepper, plus coke, plus Jia Jia Liang Teh, plus milo powder.. well you can guess what happened to him.. haha.. of cos its inedible.. haha.. so ya.. I think so far this is the most fun and messy birthday party for me.. haha~ Hmm no pics to show you yet though.. shall upload it when I get it.. hehe..
Stayed over at gram's after that.. and Sunday was pretty ordinary.. Had a dinner at a field near Thomsan CC.. think its a National Day dinner or something.. now I'm still so full... so what's next? of cos.. a sleep! haha... zZzZz..
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Went for my medical appointment on tuesday right after my lectures in the afternoon.. well.. nothing much though.. have to continue my medication.. and yea.. my sputum test just confirmed that I've TB germs in my lungs.. but no worries! Its not infectious.. but if you guys are scared.. maybe a checkup will ease you.. hmm blood test nothing's wrong.. liver and kidney functioning well.. test for HIV was negative.. yup.. thats the summary.. gosh.. really have to go through 6 months of medication... 6 months of capsules and tablets.. sigh.. and the fees.. sigh.. guys.. its better to have MediSave.. in case ya know.. take me for an example.. anything can happen unknowingly..
Gosh... I needed a printer so badly.. realised that the notes we have to print ourselves.. not like during JC where the tutors would spoon-feed us.. WAKE UP MAN.. my old printer's giving me problems.. and I had to spent an hours plus to fix it in the late nite... I managed to prepare my loan application forms and documents ready, and was about to submit them tomorrow.. until I read a line under the requirements.. I was supposed to submit them within 2 weeks after I've ordered.. which was on the 2nd of August.. or else my order form will be cancelled.. there you go Jasper.. well done.. PISSED at myself.. now I have to buy a lappie outside.. sigh.. thank god that Comex's coming at the end of August.. have to buy lappie and printer from there.... my pocket's gonna burn badly..zz
Anywayz.. had my first swim at NUS pool.. quite good.. considering that there're no kids running around.. haha.. perhapz I would swim during my breaks in school.. heh..
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Walkathon.. O_o
First week of school has just passed.. so far I guess I still can cope.. haha.. first week nia.. eepz.. gotta do some reading during the weekend or something.. I mean on Sunday.. haha..Nothing much on Wednesday and Thursday.. just normal, boring school days and then back to home.. Thursday was kinda bad day for me.. everything went wrong once again; was nearly late for a lecture, nearly fell down which was pretty embarrassing, printers in school turned against me.. argh.. sianz.. think I should shift my 3 hour lecture from afternoon to the morning on every Thursday.. It wasn't a good idea having 4 hours of break in the middle.. bored to death man.. oh well.. at most I'll go gym or go for laps at the swimming pool if I can't shift..
Friday.. marks the end of the week.. hah.. went for my usual medication at UHWC, surprisingly saw Xinni was there.. hmm.. Don't think she knows my condition.. I just told her that I had medicine to consume.. hah.. her friend, Min Yi (as heard) was with her.. haha.. she's her kindergarden-cum-primary school-cum-polytechnic-cum-Uni good friend.. wow wow.. such a long term.. think I have already lost contact with all of my primary school friends.. sad huh.. decided to do my printing again... thanks to Min Yi for lending me her cash card.. and Xinni for helping me with the printing.. lOl.. wanted to ballot my tutorials too, since I was at the computer centre already, but time was rushing, as I have a lecture to catch.. had a quick lunch and went for my bio lecture.. Was really really surprised that Zhiheng was there at the lecture too.. yay cool.. found someone I know for this module.. great man.. cos I have different friends to be my mates for different modules.. After lecture I went back to YIH to collect my tetiary student ez-link.. and met up with Evan.. settled my balloting too.. and Evan was pretty frustrated with his time table.. aye.. I saw his time table and I was pretty shocked.. cos It was kinda packed.. with 6 modules.. yikes.. he managed to settle down with a few choices left of tutorial slots.. We went to Arts fac again to collect our notes.. before I went back home..
Washed up and changed, before I set off to City Hall to meet up with Tengyi, Jesmen and Kenny for dinner.. Wanted to go Chompchomp at first.. but It wasn't convenient for Kenny.. thus changed to somewhere in the central.. Had dinner at ThaiExpress.. the curry was shiok.. which made me lose control of my sweat glands.. erm.. well.. they're uncontrollable anyway... LOL.. We walked, window shopped and chatted along our way to Suntec, and rested at Sky Garden.. were deciding where to go next.. and we made our decision.. dao huey at Selegie! haha.. we walked from Suntec back to Dhoby Ghaut that side.. Furthermore I was wearing jeans.. so hot and shagged.. lol.. the shop was packed when we reached there.. so we went to the Coffee Club instead to cool down and rest.. we chatted until the time was half past twelve in the morning already.. oopz.. no more bus to go back.. hah.. so we just continue to nua.. and decided to went back the dao huey shop again.. hmm dunno izit me, or the dao huey wasn't as nice as before.. hah.. was deciding how to go back home.. Tengyi and I decided to share for a cab, Kenny's taking night rider, and Jesmen wanted to.. but his bus is at orchard.. Tengyi and I accompanied Jesmen then.. and we walked from Dhoby Ghaut to Somerset.. gasp.. walkathon man.. hah.. I was sweating like mad already.. surprised that there's a night rider that goes to bishan too.. Tengyi and I thus decided to take night rider instead.. cheaper.. hah.. guess what.. our first time taking the night rider..
Met up with Tengyi for a swim at Bishan the next day.. which is this afternoon.. hah see.. he has become one of my swim buddies.. haha.. luckily we swam at the period when there isn't swim lessons going on.. I hate crowded pool.. zz.. left the pool when the lessons were commencing.. wahaha.. we had lunch at S11 coffeeshop.. then went to J8 to shop for Xinni's present.. hmm.. actually I've gotten something for her.. but it was kinda big (was told by Jason that they're giving 21 gifts to her in a box, and that the box has no more space.. short of one gift.. which is mine haha) .. decided to buy something nicer and smaller then.. went to this muee muee shop, and saw those cute coin pouches.. hah.. I chose one and bought it then.. went back home to wash up and changed.. then hurried off to ECP to attend Xinni's birthday chalet.. hah.. wah walked from McDonald's that side to the chalet.. quite a distance.. hah.. this time I wore singlet.. so I dun mind sweating.. wahaha.. hmm.. really had fun there.. the games we played.. wanted to stay over.. but then my cousins are staying over at my place.. It'll be bad since my brother wasn't at home too.. gotta accompany them, as well as to make sure my room is safe from them.. hahaz~ Left the chalet at 11.45 pm, with Min Yi, and her friends, Yi Lian and Yuhua (as heard.. haha).. really wanna thank them for dropping me at City Hall in cab.. felt so paiseh when they don't want me to share the fare.. aye.. Was hungry then.. din really ate much at the chalet.. so called Tengyi and jio-ed him to prata shop at Thomson.. haha.. guess what.. I managed to catch the very last bus to Thomson at 12.25 pm.. that was lucky.. Had pratas for supper of cos.. Its been a long time since I went there to eat.. yummy... bought a pack of Bee Hoon Goreng too for my cousins.. heh.. after that we walked back home.. oh my god man.. walked from thomson road to Sin Ming, and then to Bishan.. haha~ was surprised that I actually made it back home.. hahahaz.. seems like I'm attending walkathons for the past few days.. my pratas all burnt away already.. hah~ gosh.. and now I'm still typing all these.. haha.. tired tired...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Walked over the Bugis Junction after that.. and on our way we were thinking of a place to sit down and la-kopi.. decided on coffee bean then.. haha.. chit-chatted for quite sometime.. Tengyi was from dragonboating.. which in the past I was quite interested in.. trainings were of course.. heavy and tough.. I just think its a sports for all hunk-wannabes.. hah.. think I will settle on leisure canoeing instead in NUS.. heh.. Found out that Tengyi lived quite near to me too.. ooo.. think I just found another swimming and gym buddy.. wahaha... oh.. on my way back Jason called and jio-ed me to east coast park the next day.. wee.. blading again..
Sigh.. although I don't have any lectures on Monday, I still gotta go back to NUS.. yeah.. for medication.. paying the transportation fees just for that .. zz.. anywayz.. after that I went back to Bishan for a swim with Tengyi.. swam my laps and slacked around in the pool.. sigh.. gonna miss the swimming days at Bishan pool.. hah.. Had lunch with Tengyi after that at the coffeeshop near J8.. then headed home for a change.. before I set off to ECP.. Met up with Jason and gang again.. (Xinni and Alex).. another of his primary school friend, De Wei, joined too.. spent three hours blading.. and man I was so shagged.. bladed from the rental shop down to safra changi resort and back again.. hah.. We walked down to parkway parade and had our dinner at the hawker centre there.. before we headed home.. geez.. wonder if I'll have any more blading sessions.. haha~
Today! I have officially started school.. attended, not one, but two lectures in NUS.. haha.. I was quite surprised then I didn't fall asleep.. that's a good sign.. haha.. bad weather I must say.. rained so heavily that I have to walk further distance just for shelter.. and damn cold! hah.. 2 lectures in 4 hours consecutively.. cool. haha.. Had lunch with my course mate, Evan, after that, at Arts' canteen.. haha.. seems like I've been eating there for the past few days at NUS.. Was surprised to see Gavin (ex-JC classmate) at the canteen, cos I thought that he's studying in NTU.. Heard from him that he has just changed to the engineering course in NUS.. hah.. oh.. forgot to welcome him in NUS.. wahaha.. saw other friends too.. hah.. its like everyday in NUS you'll be saying hello at any where, any time.. starting to feel good in this new study environment... hmm..
Went to a book fair at Yusof Ishak house with Evan, and I found a textbook at a cheaper price! haha.. cool.. saved me a movie ticket.. haha~ now I'm tired after coming back from school.. what a nice weather to Sleeeeeeeeeep...
Saturday, August 12, 2006
On thursday went back to NUS.. but I never joined in the orientation though.. haha.. went to settle my modules auction instead.. with Kenny and Jesmen.. haha.. Had to go UHWC first.. yea the medical centre.. to have my medicine.. after settling with my modules bidding, went to Arts' canteen for breakfast.. gosh.. my orientation group came later.. and saw me.. hahaha.. its damn malu lar... so I juz went off first with Kenny and Jesmen, telling them I'm going back to medical centre.. oopz.. felt so bad.. we headed to clementi swimming pool then for a swim.. my first time there.. hmm.. still prefer bishan though.. after comparison.. haha.. think the toilet is too open-aired.. damn cold because of the wind.. brr..
We went to clementi hawker centre after that.. hungry la after a swim.. haha.. had char kway teow without 'hums'.. haha~ sorry but yea, I dun like 'hums'.. We went to play pool after that.. skills were still there.. hahaz.. pretty tired already... considering that I slept at 3 am last nite, and woke up at 8 am.. and a swim!! shagged... checked my bidding results.. and finally gotted my modules.. I HATE THE AUCTION.. seriously.. it can really make you puke blood.. its not over yet though.. there's a tutorial balloting still.. T_T
Yesterday went to NUS again.. this time's for the orientation.. haha.. oopz.. really really felt bad.. had fun though with the games.. they planned and organised this giant snakes and ladders in the lecture theatre.. not bad.. haha.. got to know some new friends.. Suhilli rawkz! Everything lasted whole day.. and finally the orientation week's over.. sigh.. school's starting school's starting.. after the orientation, I rushed to meet up with my aunt and my cousins at City Hall.. yup.. to watch the fireworks display.. had dinner in City Link, and then we headed to esplanade.. we thought the fireworks will start at 9.30pm.. cos my uncle told us so.. in the end the moment we were heading to esplanade we heard explosions.. not those bomb explosions lar of course.. the display has started.. It was 9 pm! diaoz.. we quickly crossed the road towards marina square and stood at the traffic junction to watch.. haha.. luckily we didn't took our time.. or else my aunt would be annoyed.. haha
Stayed over at gram's.. sianz.. no plans for weekend.. perhaps I could take a chance for a rest.. zz
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
After that I accompanied my mum to Toa Payoh Central.. Its been sooooo long since the last time I went there.. ever since my aunt and gram's moved to Yio Chu Kang from Toa Payoh.. really brought me back alot of memories... Oh.. Mum wanted to change her jewellery.. so ended up going there to change as one of the branches is there... SK jewellery.. lol.. SUN YAN ZI! muahaha.. I went off then to City Hall to meet up with Zeyan.. need to pass him my maths notes to him since he wants it for his student.. so long never seen him already.. think nearly 10 months after we graduated from medic spec II course.. haha.. He went off after a short tour in City Link.. haha.. as for me, I waited for Jesmen and his friend Kenny for dinner.. arh.. waited for nearly 20 minutes.. haha.. We walked to Millenia Walk, and had our dinner at Bab Noodles.. Food was ok, but wasn't really filling.. haha.. chatted with them on NS stuffs.. Kenny and I shared stories and experience with Jesmen, who's enlisting next year.. haha.
We decided to watch the firework display then.. thus e walked to the Merlion near Sheares' Bridge after dinner.. Supposed to meet my aunt at Padang to watch the fireworks together.. but she couldn't make it.. so we headed further down to the Merlion.. haha.. gosh.. big crowds.. I hated it.. Waited for 15-20 minutes, and the fireworks display started.. Nice view.. I've taken a video on it.. will upload it soon.. Lasted for 10mins and so.. woo.. satisfying.. haha.. but I was sweating like mad.. argh.. luckily I never wore jeans.. zz..
We walked back to City Link then.. wanted to have waffles with ice cream at Gelare, but it was full.. so we walked further down to Bugis and settled down at Swensen's.. shagged man.. haha.. Kenny treated us Earthquake, yummy.. muahaha.. chatted a little, before we headed home.. Weird day yea.. A nerve-wrecking and happy day.. -_-zZz.. Going Settlers' Cafe later.. yay finally.. wee..
Monday, August 07, 2006
Went to the Heeren's again.. haha.. Well Xiaohan has been working there for quite some time, and I always see him there.. He was asking me,''Why are you that free?" haha~ Can sense the jealousy in it.. Aye.. not working ma.. of course I'm free.. hah.. ok, back to topic.. We had our dinner at Billy Bomber's.. I was hungry man.. had chui kway only for brunch.. Billy Bomber's actually really satisfied our stomach.. was so full after that.. haha.. Jesmen ordered a king kong size burger, which was newly introduced in the menu.. and indeed, it was humangous.. bigger than Carl's Jr. haha..~ Really satisfied his big appetite.. waha.. Went to shop for my slippers then.. Looked around for haviannas, but there wasn't any pair that's appealing.. so went to Flash 'N' Splash to look at the flip flops.. and yeap~ bought it.. or should I say, I got it.. haha.. thanks to Jesmen for buying it for me as a belated birthday present.. so paiseh.. hah.. We walked around in town then.. and chatted along the way.. before we settled down at Burger King in Cineleisure.. continued our small chat, and took some pics.. haha.. abit crazy but yea.. haha~ show one pic is enough.. haha
The three of us!
Went home after that.. not really home.. I went to my gram's instead for a stay over.. sianz.. continued checking the modules again.. think I'm just worrying too much.. haha.. ate tow slices of pizzas and maggie mee.. OMG... hah. Anywayz.. slept at 3 am.. Am I superman or wad.. hah..
Woke up at 10am the next morning if I'm not wrong.. Slacked around for two hours before I left to town again.. felt abit bad lah.. cos the past two days I was not around with my family.. still I went off.. cos I'm meeting Kelvin and Pei Wen for a KTV session.. sang from 2pm and 6pm.. Throat wasn't feeling good.. maybe cos of the heaty stuffs I ate the past few days.. but oh well.. enjoyed myself.. heh.. Kelv's gf, Huiling was with us too.. After that, we were deciding where to eat.. along the way went to mobile phone shops to look around, cos Pei Wen's intending to buy a new one.. Kelv then suggested going to suntec to look around in the Samsung shop, since Pei Wen's interested in one of the phones.. and we decided to have our dinner at Cafe Cartel.. haha.. So we walked around in Suntec, went to the shop, and went to the arcade.. Pei Wen then went to change some one dollar coins, to insert them and turn those key chains machines.. hah kinda like reminded me my childhood.. by the way, she's getting those for her younger brother.. not for herself ya.. haha..
We walked to marina square, and settled down at Cafe Cartel.. had seaflood platter and a pan of hawaiian pizza.. all of us were hungry.. haha.. satisfying meal I must say.. We walked around for awhile in Marina Square then.. before our day ended.. wee.. packed week eh? haha.. sianz.. still gotta go NUS the next morning.. shagged~ hah
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Took bus and reached Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel.. which is near Zouk. Waited for sometime in the hotel and Chi Wai came.. He told us he'll be going in first with his friends, while we continued waiting for JJ.. Once he reached, we went to Zouk to buy the admission tickets.. bought it before 10 pm.. so it was 12 bucks.. the crowd was not there yet.. so we decided to went out to coffeeshop to eat something first.. I was pretty hungry then.. had prawn noodles for dinner earlier on.. which was nice.. yet unfilling.. hah.. Filled our stomaches and we went back in.. slowly the crowd increased.. Melvin came later .. and he wanted to cry when we told him we paid 12 bucks for the admission.. cos he paid 25bucks.. hahaha... same thing happened to Zhi Heng.. hah.. For Yufeng he was lucky.. cos Chi Wai got free tickets .. and he passed it to Yufeng.. Zz..
Anywayz.. din really drank alot.. not much of alcohol.. Chi Wai was the one drinking alot.. hah.. thanks to his friends.. tsk.. Phuture was really crowded.. to the point that I could hardly move.. needless to say dance .. Zz.. The music was nice though.. R&B.. compared to Zouk's .. Aye.. I dun like trance music.. hah.. was kinda tired already at 2am plus.. maybe because of the drinks I had.. hah.. slightly alcoholic la.. but its enough to make me tired.. The crowd seemed to be getting too large for me to enjoy.. Chi Wai was pretty seh already.. hah.. couldn't even walk properly.. He went home after that, as he couldn't take it already.. we stayed there for some time though.. but I waited for them outside.. hah.. too sian and tired to stay in the club.. Saw people vomited along the drain.. aye.. the scene was pretty bad actually.. If you can't drink, don't drink so much lar.. tsk.. I was sleepy .. and my eyes were too dry.. it was irritating.. argh.. must be the smokescreen in the club..
We went off at 4 am.. Kelvin and Zhi Heng were hungry then.. Melvin drove us to my territory for a late supper.. Hah.. and was surprised to see my cousin, Andreas, with his friends.. woah. That late. Had noodles for supper, then went home.. Checked my bidding result, and was shocked that some of the cores modules were out-bidded.. zz.. gotta plan for other ways.. Slept at 6 am.. fwah.. tired tired..
Friday, August 04, 2006
Oh man.. its been so packed ever since the first day of the week.. couldn't even rest well for a day.. well maybe I deserved it.. hah.. First of all... YES! I passed my QET! lolz.. well Its been quite a while since the last time I felt happy for passing an essential test.. hah.. yay don't have to take another extra module.. lets see.. On tuesday I went to NUS for SoC's Dean Welcome Tea and course briefing.. I was pretty surprised that the number of people came was pretty alot.. I was so sianz.. cos I din managed to find any familiar faces .. only after the presentation, I saw Jiang Yuan, my medic specs course mate.. I was like.."Finally I found someone I know..." Talked to him and he said that he joined the orientation camp.. that was so not him.. I thought.. hah.. anyways, know some other course mates through him.. geez.. and that was when I realised that there are quite a number of polytechnic graduates and PRC scholars.. Well they're bunch of friendly people.. The couse briefing was pretty boring.. talked on different topics that we can major in, enrichment programmes and yea.. the CORS bidding system.. pretty confusing.. haha.. which I thought of asking my friends who are more experienced on these later..The next day, Wednesday, was the matriculation.. gosh.. so many flyers and papers and small gifts like bookmarks and files.. Hmm, bought a laptop at the matriculation fair, or should I say loan.. which I think it was a good deal.. free bag, free "tattoo" design on my laptop, free laptop cover.. hah.. yea.. Its ThinkPad T60 by the way.. bought it with my new found group of friends.. went through the matriculation fair, and being approached by these lovely seniors, asking me to join them in the CCA.. goodness.. I mean.. do I look like I can dance? do I look like I'm a martial arts expert? Zz... Anywayz.. I just took note some of the CCAs that I'm interested in, and would be looking out for their welcoming tea or something.. Spent almost 4 hours at the fair.. tiring man. Wanted to go swimming after the matriculation, and then meet Sock Fang, Angeline and Aleathea at town, but then it was late already.. zz.. spoilt my plan.. So I went to town right after the matriculation to meet the girls.. with all the bags.. lol..
Met the girls at the Heeren's. Because I didn't ate anything since morning, we headed to the food court at cineleisure.. haha.. thanks girls for accompanying me to eat.. chatted about their school life and also taking some advices from them.. haha.. after that it was my turn to accompany them.. to shop! lolz.. went to OG, to PS, and then we settled down at TCC.. had a good talk with them.. tsk.. think I never had a good chat with them for so long.. we went home after that.. cos gerline had to go back home to record singapore idol for her uncle.. geez.. lol.
Alright, went for my medical appointment in the morning.. Jason accompanied me this time.. waited for so long.. zz.. I was hoping that it wun spoil my plan.. hmm.. Doctor said there was only slight improvement.. advised me to go for treatment.. but I was not diagnosed with TB yet.. cos the sputum test has not confirmed negative or positive.. sigh.. 6 months of treatment.. and I gotta go to polyclinic everyday for the treatment.. this is like hell to me.. terrible.. really hope that there's nothing wrong.. I don't want the treatment.. no way.. sigh.. Anyways.. I gotta wait for at most 2 months to wait for the result.. so yea.. praying hard..
Went for swim after that.. finally managed to have some free time for a swim.. finished my laps and went home to bid for my modules.. lol.. had to ask Pei Wen for inquiries.. then went off to ECP to meet up with Jason again.. with Xinni and Alex to rollerblade.. I managed to learn to turn! wahaha.. thanks to Xinni.. the blading pro.. haha.. hmm.. had some falls still.. my butt's painful still.. ouch.. my poor tailbone.. Enjoyed the blading session.. but something happened that really spoilt my day.. I went back to the rental shop to return the blades, and found out that my ripcurl slippers were gone.. someone wore the wrong pair accidentally, or should I say purposely.. Zz.. I was damn pissed and sian diao actually.. Xinni went to help me to buy a new pair of slippers.. and the aunt at the rental shop paid for it.. Zz.. I was like "forget it.. this is just my day.."
Forget about that.. We went to rent a chalet for a stay-over then.. hah.. It was pretty fun actually.. cos they are like one fun-loving group.. Xinni's bf, Jian Sheng, and Hwee keng came too.. Jian Sheng drove us to Parkway Parade for dinner after we bathed. We had dinner at Pastamania. Hah.. then shopped at Giant's.. and went back to the chalet.. Played games for the whole night.. and then slept at 3 am.. gosh.. only slept for four hours.. and then went off to NUS for orientation week.. sigh.. din really wanna go.. but I was absent for the first day already because of the medical appointment.. so I just forced myself to go for the orientation ..
Well It wasn't that bad after all.. although my group was kinda small.. hah.. games were fun.. enjoyed my day.. luckily I could still withstand the tireness for the day, if not I think I could just lie down anywhere in NUS sleeping soundly.. lol..
Alright.. kinda lengthy but yea.. can see that its packed right.. wahaha.. going out later again.. to club! I'm like so excited.. hah.. my first time to club. hah.. alright ciaoz~
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Leos' Celebration!
Woo.. okay I'm kinda pissed with .. zz.. anywayz.. stayed over at gram's on saturday.. hmm slept quite late though, not tired.. weird eh.. even though the whole day I was at Sentosa.. hah..Okay back to the main topic.. Went out to town for a small celebration.. hmm since secondary school days, Pei Wen, Chi Wai and I have been celebrationg our birthdays together for the past years cos our birthdays are pretty close to each other.. but for this year its abit different.. since I already held my party.. Chi Wai and Pei Wen will be giving a treat instead the three of us.. haha.. we were supposed to meet up in the evening, but I reached town earlier to meet up with Kelvin to buy them the prezzies first..
However.. Kelvin messaged me that he just woke up when I was in the train already.. pengz.. so I walked around first to see what we can buy for Chi Wai.. at the same time waited for Kelvin.. After he reached, we walked from Wisma to Taka, from shops to shops.. but there wasn't anything nice and suitable for Chi Wai.. so we went to shop for Pei Wen's first.. haha.. went to Mango, and bought a nice tee..(Kelvin's gf, Huiling, was with him, that's why we dare to go in Mango, lol) after that we walked over to the Heeren's.. we were deciding between a wallet and a casual blazer.. at that time JJ joined us, and he said Chi Wai mentioned that the design of the blazer's ugly.. thus we decided to buy him the wallet.. lol.. in addition, we went to Flash 'N' Splash and bought a bikini for Pei Wen.. hahaz well, that's Kelvin's idea.. hah..
Both of them came in the evening, Zhi Heng and Yufeng joined later.. Had our dinner at the Balcony's, where Chi Wai has reserved the seats last thursday.. the main courses were ok.. but the amount wasn't really filling.. from what I have seen.. oops.. haha.. We were then splitted up.. Kelvin, Zhi Heng and Yufeng went to buy a cake, whereas the rest of us hanged around.. hah accompanied JJ to Espirit to settle his membership card thingy.. and then we headed to Taka to meet up with the others.. we went to the open area at Ngee Ann City to have a little celebration.. hah.. din know I was involved as well since my birthday was over already.. and yea.. being fooled by them hah.. but we leos would never say lose easily! lolz~ Had fun lar.. and the cake was nice..

Happy Birthday Leos!
Candid shot with the yummy cake
waiting to eat the cake.. lOl..
Sigh.. school's starting soon.. I doubt i'll be updating blog as often as before.. nevertheless I'll try.. hah..